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Visit of Thorsten Ludwig, President of the German Association for Space Energy (DVR) and Doctor of Physics, and Anita Carolina Müller, Managing Director of Secam3 Holding AG, as well as a return visit by Adolf & Inge Schneider.
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Swiss Oversity GmbH's Visit to Korea
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페루 에너지광산부 전기부 차관 빅토르 카를로스와의 미팅
El viceministro de Electricidad del #MINEM, Víctor Carlos, se reunió con representantes de la empresa coreana SEMP Research Institute Co. Ltd., quienes realizaron una presentación de sus innovaciones tecnológicas para la generación eléctrica renovable, con intenciones de incursionar en el mercado peruano.
We have Attend a Conference "Technologies of the New Era" in D-70734 Stuttgart-Fellbach/Europe from Friday, June 21, to Sunday, June 23, 2024,
Jupiter Verlag Kongress: Technologien der Neuen Zeit
Entering a new era of IoT
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Long-term benefits of clean energy sources
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